Rajapalayam Dog Food

Nutritionally Complete Rajapalayam Dog Food

Daily Rajapalayam dog food should include meat, egg, curd, vegetables, readymade dog food, and oil.

Quantity of the food change from Age, Height, Weight, and Activity.

Rajapalayam’s daily diet requires 250 gms to 1 kg of meat and 2 eggs.

Raw food increases growth, boiled food increases life.

100 gms to 250 gms of readymade dog food like Royal Canin or Drools, will be a good supplement to cover any missing nutrients.

Vegetables are healthy for dogs and provide micronutrients like vitamins and minerals. Daily add 100 gms to 250 gms of different vegetables in rotation.

Add 1 spoon of coconut oil to food, for shiny skin and hair.

Introduce new food in less quantity for 2 to 3 days, till they get used to it.

Foods Bad For Dogs

Don’t give Salt, Chocolate, Sugar, Grapes, Raisins, Coffee, Caffeine, Alcohol, Raw Dough, Artificial Sweetener, Non-dog Biscuits, Onions, Garlic, Avocados, Cooked Bones, and Non-powdered Egg Shell.

40 Days Rajapalayam Dog Food

Food introduced along with mother’s milk should be continued for 40 days Rajapalayam puppy.

Give small quantities of food 5 times per day. Boiled egg white, curd rice, boneless chicken 4 pieces with broth, readymade dry dog food, and sweet potato, pumpkin, and carrot rice.

75 Days Rajapalayam Dog Food

Continue the same food given for 40 days, just increase the quantity. For example, instead of 1 egg white, give 2 egg whites.

3 Months Rajapalayam Dog Food

3 months Rajapaalayam dog should be fed 4 times per day. A whole egg can be given at this age. Include curd along with vegetable rice. Add a spoon of coconut oil to the cooked rice.

4 Months Rajapalayam Dog Food

Continue the same food given for 3 months, just increase the quantity. Don’t increase rice quantity, increase the quantity of meat and vegetables.

5 Months Rajapalayam Dog Food

As the dog grows, Rajapalayam dogs’ meal size and interval will increase. 3 meals need to be given for 5 months Rajapalayam dog. 250 gms of nonveg can be given per day.

Adult Rajapalayam Dog Food

Two meals are sufficient for adult Rajapalayam dogs. Combine egg, dry food, and curd in one meal. In the next meal, combine nonveg, veg, and rice.

Pumpkin For Dog Constipation

Pumpkin is a regular puppy diet in Rajapalayam dog food.

The pumpkin is rich in fiber, which is helpful in diseases such as diarrheic and constipation.

You can replace parts of normal dog food with pumpkin, to reduce your dog weight. The extra fiber from pumpkin will also help your dog to feel full.

The main cause of constipation is a lack of fiber in food or not drinking enough water. To prevent dehydration, we need to keep fresh clean water for dogs throughout the day. Include pumpkin and other fiber-rich foods in your diet.

Pumpkin has a variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium.

Zinc in pumpkin can improve the texture of your dog’s skin and coat. The carotenoid in pumpkin is a good antioxidant.

Sweet Potato For Dogs

Sweet potatoes are one of the most favorite Rajapalayam dog food, this is an all-time favorite other than meat.

Sweet potatoes contain a beautiful blend of soluble and insoluble fiber, which is good for general gut health in humans and dogs.

Carrot Homemade Puppy Food

Beetroot Homemade Dog Food

Sweet Puppy Chewing Sugarcane

Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

Summer Treat For Dogs

Dogs love Ice cubes and Watermelon. Surprise with Watermelon Ice Cubes summer treat for dogs.

Just cut the watermelon, and freeze it in the fridge, it is as simple as that. Your dogs will enjoy this summer treat.

Can Dogs Eat Coconut And Drink Coconut Water

Dogs can drink coconut and tender coconut water, very healthy for the summer season. Dogs can eat coconut and coconut oil.

This website has many Photos and Videos of the Rajapalayam dogs, for more please visit our Facebook page and Youtube channel.

WhatsApp 97422 42700 to buy the original Rajapalayam dog.